Category Archives: Rants/Opinions

Just me or others spouting off about one thing or another

Digital Cameras – The Environmental Savior

The war between digital and film is, thankfully, all but over. No one who really sits down and goes over stats and is truly honest with themselves should ever conclude that digital isn’t, at the very least, equal to film now. If you still stubbornly say film is superior, well, I guess you’re entitled to […]

Photographers – Climb That Ladder (or, “Dig That Hole” depending on your circumstances)

I was in a camera store the other day when I overheard a guy in his early twenties asking the salesperson about SLR cameras. Just the usual stuff like how much are they? Why are they better than point-and-shoots? Which brand is better? etc… It got me thinking back to my own experience when I […]